Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Muse In Fall

You know it's fall when the colors around you drastically change.

The cold is quite refreshing, to say the least. It's definitely much warmer here than it is in Sendai. Nearly two years have passed since the last fall I spent at home. I haven't seen a snow-covered Sendai in a while. No cherry-blossom viewing. Just summer back home, and a lot of glistening, oily beads dotting the skin.

It's a pretty good time to go short-filming, though. Some seniors from the film department are out filming short documentaries. Yesterday Kevin took a bunch of kids and their soft toys to the field out back and had a ball of a photoshoot. I was invited, too, but I had work to do so I opted out. Now I'm beginning to wish I'd just foregone that work of mine.

The air's crisp and fresh, the sky's a lovely hue, and the grounds are covered with leaves in every color imaginable. It's like strolling down memory lane, literally, except that you don't have too many memories to look back on if you've only been in Valencia two years.

Think I'll start on one of those mushy fall shorts. It'll be scriptless, of course. Just like every other highly disorganized short I've ever made in past years.

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